
Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
3: Overcoming Fear of Failure - With Covert Fade and Alice Cheshire
Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
In this episode:
- Covert Fade and Alice Cheshire discuss how to overcome the fear of failure.
- Covert launches an Indie Rock Band.
- Alice corrects Covert’s dreadful French pronunciation with the use of Finding Nemo.
- We answer an excellent listener question from @le_great_escape on twitter about how to let go of living forever.
All this and more on Episode 3 of JW ForwardCast!
Follow Alice on twitter @thealicechesh
Follow Covert Fade on Twitter @covertfade
Find Covert Fade’s articles on JWSurvey.org
Support us on Patreon/covertfade
Buy the book Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers on Amazon
Forbes Article: 30 Powerful Quotes On Failure
Mel Robbins 5-4-3-2-1- Mindset
Logen Ninefingers Quotes (created by author Joe Abercrombie) including "It's better to do it than live with the fear of it."
The SEP field, as conceived by Douglas Adams

Monday Jul 02, 2018
2: Activism and Family - With Covert Fade and Lloyd Evans
Monday Jul 02, 2018
Monday Jul 02, 2018
In this episode, Covert Fade interviews JW Activist, author and film maker Lloyd Evans!
They discuss a wide range of topics relvent to the life of an exJW, including
- Potential strategies to wake up a partner or family member.
- How to explain to a child the awkward situations that can come from leaving the JW religion.
- Tips and advice for getting started in activism and much more!
Link: JW Survey
Link: John Cedars Youtube Channel
Link:Follow Lloyd Evans on twitter @cedarsjwsurvey
Link: The Reluctant Apostate
Link: How to Escape From Jehovah's Witnesses
Link Follow Covert Fade on twitter @covertfade
Link: Support us on Patreon at Patreon/covertfade

Monday Jul 02, 2018
1: Take Back Control - With Covert Fade and Alice Cheshire
Monday Jul 02, 2018
Monday Jul 02, 2018
Welcome to the very first episode of JW Forwardcast! The paint is still fresh on the walls, the chairs are freshly unwrapped and show is ready to go!
In this episode, Covert Fade and Alice Cheshire introduce themselves, and then discuss the problem of control; specifically how the Watchtower organisation systematically strips Jehovah’s Witnesses of the confidence to take control of their own lives.
They discuss some ways to get into the habit of asserting authority over your life, the usefulness of mindset journaling, and Covert manages to squeeze in a dreadfully geeky IT joke, and some philosophy from the legendary martial artist Bruce Lee.
All this and more on the first of many Forwardcasts!
Link: Alice Cheshire's JW Survey Article
Link: Follow Alice Cheshire on twitter @thealicechesh
Link: Follow Covert Fade on twitter @covertfade
Link: Support us on Patreon at patreon/covertfade